News Archive


Next MCA Meeting at NYINC (Posted December 2013)

The next meeting of the MCA will be held at 12 noon in the Sutton Suite on Saturday, January 11, 2014, in conjunction with the New York International Numismatic Convention (NYINC). The featured speaker will be our own illustrious John Adams. The title of his talk is: "The Louis XV 'Honos et Virtu' and George II Indian Peace Medals: Competition and Propaganda in the French and Indian War".

All are invited to attend.

New Medals Added to Jewish-American Hall of Fame (Posted September 2013)

Thanks to the efforts of Mel Wacks, several new medals from the series of Jewish-American Hall of Fame have been posted under Collector's Guides. The entries include the images, sculptor, description and mintage figures. Thanks so much Mel.

Publication of New E-book on the Medallic History of the War of 1812 (Posted September 2013)

A new e-book titled: Medallic History of the War of 1812: Catalyst for Destruction of the Native American Nations, authored by Benjamin Weiss, has been published by Kunstpedia Foundation.

It has recently been written up on Wayne Homren's E-Sylum [⇗].

MCA Authors Publish Book on Peace Medals (Posted August 2013)

Several members of our MCA have contributed articles to a wonderful and informative book on Indian Peace Medals. The book is described in detail in the Members Corner.

Upcoming MCA Meeting (Posted July 2013)

The next meeting of the MCA will be held on Thursday, August 15, from 3-5 pm, in Room 11, as part of the ANA World's Fair of Money. The ANA meeting will be held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention in Chicago from August 13-17, 2013. The major part of our MCA meeting will feature an in-depth discussion of "Nineteenth Century American Engravers". This exciting program, organized by David Menchell, will include: Dave Baldwin, who will discuss the Lovetts; Neil Musante, who will talk about Bolen and Merriam; and Chris Neuzil, who specializes in the works of Moritz Furst. Menchell is also lining up Larry Baber, who will share his expertise on Charles Barber.

Other highlights of the ANA meeting will be a presentation by Bob Fritsch on the beauty and lore of medals in a talk entitled "Collecting Medals". This will be part of the "Money Talks" group of presentations and is scheduled to be given on Thursday morning, August 15.

On the bourse, MCA will have a table (Table 1833) staffed by MCA members and which, among other things, will have examples of medals and handouts related to medals and Medal Collecting. At our MCA table, interested persons may purchase our annual MCA medal. These annual MCA Medals, designed by Alexander Shagin, are already collectors' items. The 2013 MCA Medal was made in silver and bronze; the bronze version is being sold for $40.

There will also be a variety of medals on display at the Exhibit Area by members of MCA and others.

All are invited to these interesting and informative events.

Past MCA Meetings (Posted June 2013)

A belated congratulations to D. Wayne Johnson for receiving the Carl Carlson Award for excellence in the field of medallic research. The award was presented to him at the past meeting of the MCA, held in Philadelphia on August 2012. Dick has been making major contributions to our field for some 60 years, as a researcher, cataloguer and prodigious writer. As part of the award Dick was given a struck, engraved MCA Club Medal designed by Alex Shagin.

Note also that our featured speaker at the January, 2013, MCA meeting, which was held at the NYINC in New York, was Alan Stahl, who gave an excellent and informative presentation on the subject of collecting decorations as medals (see below). Alan is currently organizing an exhibit at Princeton University based on this same subject.

MCA Meeting at NYINC (Posted January 2013)

The next meeting of the Medal Collectors of America will be held on Saturday, January 12, 2013, at 12 noon in the Sutton Suite as part of the New York International Numismatic Convention. The program will feature Dr. Alan Stahl, Curator of Numismatics at Princeton University, who will speak on Medals and Decorations. All are invited to attend.

More Archives of MCA Advisory Posted on Website (Posted January 2013)

Thanks to Ron Thompson, who kindly submitted past issues of our MCA Advisory, we have posted several more archival issues of the Advisory, including those from 2002, 2003, and 2004. All these interesting issues can be viewed on our Archives Page. Many thanks, Ron!