Jewish-American Hall of Fame
A wonderfully interesting and comprehensive group of medals depicting Jews who made important contributions in various fields of endeavor.
Mintages are for Bronze / Pure Silver / 10kt Gold (14kt for 1977 & 1978).
Collector's Guide
Judah Magnes (1877-1948)

Year: 1969
Description: Founder Hebrew University
Sculptor: Victor Ries
Mintage: 585/265/0
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Year: 1970
Description: Theoretical physicist
Sculptor: Robert Russin
Mintage: 810/290/0
Louis Brandeis (1856-1941)

Year: 1971
Description: Supreme Court Justice
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 430/220/0
George Gershwin (1898-1937)

Year: 1972
Description: Composer, pianist
Sculptor: Robert Russin
Mintage: 450/250/0
Haym Salomon (1740-1785)

Year: 1973
Description: Patriot, businessman
Sculptor: Paul Vincze
Mintage: 950/440/0
Herbert Lehman (1878-1963)

Year: 1974
Description: Public servant
Sculptor: Jacques Schnier
Mintage: 450/240/0
Gershom Seixas (1745-1816)

Year: 1975
Description: Patriotic rabbi
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 250/205/0
Henrietta Szold (1860-1945)

Year: 1976
Description: Founder Hadassah Hospital
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 300/180/0
Touro Synagogue - 1763

Year: 1977
Description: Oldest extant synagogue
Sculptor: Victor Ries
Mintage: 250/180/15
Golda Meir (1898-1978)

Year: 1978
Description: Israel Prime Minister
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 465/245/25
Levi Strauss (1829-1902)

Year: 1979
Description: Clothing manufacturer
Sculptor: Hal Reed
Mintage: 400/180/28
Jonas Salk (1914-1995)

Year: 1980
Description: Developer of polio vaccine
Sculptor: Hal Reed
Mintage: 300/110/35
Rebecca Gratz (1781-1869)

Year: 1981
Description: Educator, philanthropist
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 330/110/20
Isaac Stern (b.1920)

Year: 1982
Description: Violin virtuoso
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 520/310/26
Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)

Year: 1983
Description: “Statue of Liberty” poet
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 450/135/26
Isaac B. Singer (1904-1991)

Year: 1984
Description: Nobel laureate writer
Sculptor: Robert Russin
Mintage: 350/100/21
Adolph Ochs (1858-1935)

Year: 1985
Description: NY Times publisher
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 400/100/24
Abravanel, Zacuto, Santangel

Year: 1986
Description: Jews who helped Columbus
Sculptor: Paul Vincze
Mintage: 500/230/50
Benjamin Cardozo (1870-1938)

Year: 1987
Description: Supreme Court Justice
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 400/118/30
Uriah P. Levy (1792-1862)

Year: 1988
Description: Commodore US Navy
Sculptor: Hal Reed
Mintage: 350/118/25
Benny Goodman (1909-1966)

Year: 1989
Description: Clarinetist, “King of Swing”
Sculptor: Marika Somogyi
Mintage: 300/110/20
Dr. Bela Schick (1877-1967)

Year: 1990
Description: Developed test for diphtheria
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 300/110/20
Hank Greenberg (1911-1986)

Year: 1991
Description: Baseball Hall of Famer
Sculptor: Hal Reed
Mintage: 690/100/12
Columbus, Torres - 1492

Year: 1992
Description: Expulsion of Jews
Sculptor: Paul Vincze
Mintage: 350/120/12
Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)

Year: 1993
Description: Conductor, composer, teacher
Sculptor: Marika Somogyi
Mintage: 650/192/21
Ernestine Rose (1810-1892)

Year: 1994
Description: Advocate for women’s rights
Sculptor: Gerta Ries Wiener
Mintage: 265/80/11
Elie Wiesel (b. 1928)

Year: 1995
Description: Writer, lecturer, humanitarian
Sculptor: Alex Shagin
Mintage: 200/75/12
Houdini (1874-1926)

Year: 1996
Description: Magician, escape artist
Sculptor: Hal Reed
Mintage: 285/110/15
Barbra Streisand (b. 1942)

Year: 1997
Description: Singer, actress, director
Sculptor: Alex Shagin
Mintage: 475/225/16
Strauses, Sarnoff - 1912

Year: 1998
Description: Titanic tragedy
Sculptor: Alex Shagin
Mintage: 450/280/40
Asser Levy - 1654

Year: 1999
Description: First Jews in America
Sculptor: Alex Shagin
Mintage: 150/65/14
Arthur Miller (b. 1915)

Year: 2000
Description: Playwright, author
Sculptor: Marika Somogyi
Mintage: 165/65/13
Bess Myerson (b. 1924)

Year: 2001
Description: Miss America, public servant
Sculptor: Alex Shagin
Mintage: 150/65/13
Leopold Karpeles (1838-1909)

Year: 2002
Description: Medal of Honor recipient
Sculptor: Alex Shagin
Mintage: 150/65/13
Gompers (1850-1924) & Hillman (1887-1946)

Year: 2003-4
Description: Labor leaders
Sculptor: Karen Worth
Mintage: 125/50/0
Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal (b. 1918)

Year: 2005
Description: World War II Flying “Ace”
Sculptor: Jim Licaretz
Mintage: 125/58/25
Moe Berg

Year: 2006
Description: Baseball player, Spy
Sculptor: Eugene Daub
Mintage: 285/110/47
Lillian Wald (1867-1940)

Year: 2007
Description: Founder Visiting Nurse Service
Sculptor: Virginia Janssen
Mintage: 225/50/15
Milton Berle

Year: 2008
Description: Television star, Comedian
Sculptor: Eugene Daub
Mintage: 135/50/15
40th Anniv. JAHF

Year: 2009
Description: 70th Birthday Mel Wacks
Sculptor: Eugene Daub
Mintage: 100/60/20
Barney Ross

Year: 2010
Description: Boxing champion, War hero
Sculptor: Eugene Daub
Mintage: 125/50/18
Gertrude Elion (1918-1999)

Year: 2011
Description: Nobel Prize in Medicine
Sculptor: Daniel Altshuler
Mintage: 127/75/25
Mordecai Noah (1785-1851)

Year: 2012
Description: Journalist, Diplomat, Zionist
Sculptor: Eugene Daub
Mintage: 97/65/25
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (b.1933)

Year: 2013
Description: Supreme Court Justice
Sculptor: Eugene Daub
Mintage: 100/58/27
Printable Version
A printable formatted version of the MCA Jewish-American Hall of Fame Collector's Guide (pdf) is available.
The Jewish-American Hall of Fame is a division of the non-profit American Jewish Historical Society . For further information contact the Jewish-American Hall of Fame, c/o Mel Wacks, 5189 Jeffdale Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91364. For illustrations and additional details, visit their award winning web site