Hall of Fame for Great Americans at NYU
By D. Wayne Johnson, Copyright © 2004One of the most popular portrait series of medals in the world, the Hall of Fame for Great Americans Series honors the most famous Americans chosen by highly selected judging committees and sponsored by New York University. The first election was held in 1900 -- when a building was erected to house the Hall and an ongoing collection of statues. Elections were held every five years thereafter.
Bronze statues of the honorees were installed within outside niches along the open colonnade at the University Heights campus. It partly surrounds a Pantheon style building created by architect Stamford White that has served as a library and auditorium over its first century.
The Medals. In 1962 a coalition was formed to sponsor and market fine art medals to honor these same famous Americans. The coalition consisted of New York University, the owner of the Hall of Fame; the National Sculpture Society, which would furnish an art committee; the Medallic Art Company, which would manufacture the medals; and the Coin and Currency Institute which would market the medals.
The Art Committee was formed of five members with sculptor Donald De Lue as chairman; this committee issued commissions to American sculptors who expressed an interest in creating one or more of the medals. (Those sculptors who had created the bust were given first choice to do the medal.) Over the next 13 years, 96 medals (listed below) were created by 42 sculptors, predominantly members of the National Sculpture Society.
Rules for the medal design were simple. It had to bear a portrait on the obverse, significant scene from that subject's accomplishment for the reverse. The lettering HALL OF FAME FOR GREAT AMERICANS AT NEW YORK UNIVERSITY must appear on the medal, either side was permissible. While the design was left to the artist, each submission had to pass the approval of the Art Committee composed of the artist's sculptural peers.
Medals were struck in two sizes. A large 3-inch (76mm) size in bronze only, and a small 1 3/4-inch (44mm) in bronze and silver. The silver was serially numbered.
Medalist Laura Gardin Fraser had selected two medals to create -- Mary Lyon and Gilbert Stuart -- but died before completing the models. Sculptor Karl Gruppe finished the two medals as close to her designs and style as possible. The two Wright Brothers, with different statues and years of election, appear on one medal, by Paul Fjelde.
Later status. In 1973 and 1976 the last 20th century elections were held and seven new honorees* were elected into the Hall (which would fill in every niche in the colonnade). In 1973 New York University sold their University Heights Campus to City College of New York along with the building and the statues forming the Colonnade. The statues, and the Hall of Fame itself, were in limbo for awhile. Bronx Community College, which now occupies the campus, is present stewardship of the Hall. Since 1977 no elections have been held, no new statues erected or medals issued.
However, visitors to New York City can still travel to University Heights in the Bronx and walk the Colonnade, viewing the magnificent statues overlooking the Hudson River. Or they can build a set of fine art medals created by some of the most talented medalists of the 20th century with high relief portraits and stunning medallic art.
* For 1973: Louis Brandeis, George Washington Carver, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Phillip Sousa. For 1976: Clara Barton, Luther Burbank and Andrew Carnegie.

Collector's Guide
Adams, John

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Donald DeLue
Year Issued: 1971
Adams, John Quincey

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: EvAngelos Frudakis
Year Issued: 1972
Addams, Jane

Category: Humanitarian
Year Elected: 1965
Sculptor: Granville Carter
Year Issued: 1968
Agassiz, Louis

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Gertrude Lathrop
Year Issued: 1966
Anthony, Susan B.

Category: Humanitarian
Year Elected: 1950
Sculptor: Paul Fjelde
Year Issued: 1963
Audubon, John James

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Gertrude Lathrop
Year Issued: 1963
Bancroft, George

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: Adlai S. Hardin
Year Issued: 1964
Beecher, Henry Ward

Category: Clergyman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Joseph Kiselewski
Year Issued: 1963
Bell, Alexander Graham

Category: Inventor
Year Elected: 1950
Sculptor: Stanley Martineau
Year Issued: 1963
Boone, Daniel

Category: Explorer
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1966
Booth, Edwin Thomas

Category: Artist
Year Elected: 1925
Sculptor: Agop Agopff
Year Issued: 1970
Brooks, Phillips

Category: Clergyman
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: Abram Belskie
Year Issued: 1965
Bryant, William Cullen

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: Agop Agopff
Year Issued: 1967
Channing, William E.

Category: Clergyman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Albert W. Wein
Year Issued: 1968
Choate, Rufus

Category: Lawyer
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Eleanor Platt
Year Issued: 1973
Clay, Henry

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: John Terken
Year Issued: 1973
Clemens, Samuel L.

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1920
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1963
Cleveland, Grover

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1935
Sculptor: Albert P. d'Andrea
Year Issued: 1966
Cooper, James Fenimore

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: Granville Carter
Year Issued: 1963
Cooper, Peter

Category: Philantropist
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Anthony de Francisci
Year Issued: 1963
Cushman, Charlotte S.

Category: Artist
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Robert A. Weinman
Year Issued: 1974
Eads, James Buchanan

Category: Engineer
Year Elected: 1920
Sculptor: Robert A. Weinman
Year Issued: 1971
Edison, Thomas Alva

Category: Inventor
Year Elected: 1960
Sculptor: Granville Carter
Year Issued: 1965
Edwards, Jonathan

Category: Preacher
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Elisabeth Chandler
Year Issued: 1972
Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Dexter Jones
Year Issued: 1968
Farragut, David Glasgow

Category: Military
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Laci de Gerenday
Year Issued: 1967
Foster, Stephen Collins

Category: Artist
Year Elected: 1940
Sculptor: Walker Hancock
Year Issued: 1963
Franklin, Benjamin

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Elisabeth Chandler
Year Issued: 1963
Fulton, Robert

Category: Inventor
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Ralph J. Menconi
Year Issued: 1966
Gibbs, Josiah Willard

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1950
Sculptor: Stanley Martineau
Year Issued: 1964
Gorgas, William C.

Category: Physician
Year Elected: 1950
Sculptor: Abram Belskie
Year Issued: 1969
Grant, Ulysses Simpson

Category: Military
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Thomas H. Jones
Year Issued: 1963
Gray, Asa

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Bruno Mankowski
Year Issued: 1972
Hamilton, Alexander

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Margaret C. Grigor
Year Issued: 1971
Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1965
Henry, Joseph

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Adlai S. Hardin
Year Issued: 1972
Henry, Patrick

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1920
Sculptor: Thomas Lo Medico
Year Issued: 1966
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr.

Category: Lawyer
Year Elected: 1965
Sculptor: Joseph Kiselewski
Year Issued: 1970
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Sr.

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1965
Hopkins, Mark

Category: Educator
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Joseph E. Renier
Year Issued: 1963
Howe, Elias

Category: Inventor
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Frank Gasparro
Year Issued: 1971
Irving, Washington

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Adolph Block
Year Issued: 1968
Jackson, Andrew

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1971
Jackson, T.J. "Stonewall"

Category: Military
Year Elected: 1955
Sculptor: Granville Carter
Year Issued: 1972
Jefferson, Thomas

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Sidney B. Waugh
Year Issued: 1963
Jones, John Paul

Category: Military
Year Elected: 1925
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1968
Kent, James

Category: Lawyer
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Eleanor Platt
Year Issued: 1968
Lanier, Sidney

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1945
Sculptor: Julian H. Harris
Year Issued: 1969
Lee, Robert E.

Category: Military
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Donald DeLue
Year Issued: 1965
Lincoln, Abraham

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Anthony de Francisci
Year Issued: 1963
Longfellow, Henry W.

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Anthony Notaro
Year Issued: 1970
Lowell, James Russell

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: Carl C. Mose
Year Issued: 1970
Lyon, Mary

Category: Education
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: Laura G. Fraser & Karl Gruppe
Year Issued: 1967
MacDowell, Edward A.

Category: Artist
Year Elected: 1960
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1964
Madison, James

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: Robert A. Weinman
Year Issued: 1969
Mann, Horace

Category: Educator
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1971
Marshall, John

Category: Lawyer
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Karl Gruppe
Year Issued: 1965
Maury, Matthew Fontaine

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1930
Sculptor: Donald DeLue
Year Issued: 1974
Michelson, Albert

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1970
Sculptor: Elisabeth Chandler
Year Issued: 1973
Mitchell, Maria

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: Eleanor Platt
Year Issued: 1965
Monroe, James

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1930
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1968
Morse, Samuel F.B.

Category: Inventor
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1963
Morton, William T.G.

Category: Physician
Year Elected: 1920
Sculptor: Abram Belskie
Year Issued: 1966
Motley, John Lothrop

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1970
Newcomb, Simon

Category: Scientist
Year Elected: 1935
Sculptor: Adolph Block
Year Issued: 1970
Paine, Thomas

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1945
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1969
Palmer, Alice Freeman

Category: Educator
Year Elected: 1920
Sculptor: Thomas Lo Medico
Year Issued: 1964
Parkman, Francis

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1915
Sculptor: Edward R. Grove
Year Issued: 1971
Peabody, George

Category: Philantropist
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Abram Belskie
Year Issued: 1974
Penn, William

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1935
Sculptor: Edward R. Grove
Year Issued: 1966
Poe, Edgar Allan

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1963
Reed, Walter

Category: Physician
Year Elected: 1945
Sculptor: Abram Belskie
Year Issued: 1963
Roosevelt, Theodore

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1950
Sculptor: Albino Manca
Year Issued: 1969
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus

Category: Artist
Year Elected: 1920
Sculptor: Stanley Martineau
Year Issued: 1971
Sherman, William T.

Category: Military
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1973
Story, Joseph

Category: Lawyer
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Nathaniel Choate
Year Issued: 1964
Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: Michael Lantz
Year Issued: 1975
Stuart, Gilbert C.

Category: Artist
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Laura G. Fraser & Karl Gruppe
Year Issued: 1968
Thayer, Sylvanus

Category: Educator
Year Elected: 1965
Sculptor: Joseph Kiselewski
Year Issued: 1966
Thoreau, Henry David

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1960
Sculptor: Malvina Hoffman
Year Issued: 1963
Wald, Lillian

Category: Humanitarian
Year Elected: 1970
Sculptor: EvAngelos Frudakis
Year Issued: 1971
Washington, Booker T.

Category: Educator
Year Elected: 1945
Sculptor: Ralph J. Menconi
Year Issued: 1970
Washington, George

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Granville Carter
Year Issued: 1966
Webster, Daniel

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Robert A, Weinman
Year Issued: 1966
Westinghouse, George

Category: Inventor
Year Elected: 1955
Sculptor: Edmondo Quattrocchi
Year Issued: 1963
Whistler, James A.M.

Category: Artist
Year Elected: 1930
Sculptor: Stanley Martineau
Year Issued: 1972
Whitman, Walt

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1930
Sculptor: Dexter Jones
Year Issued: 1971
Whitney, Eli

Category: Inventor
Year Elected: 1900
Sculptor: Eleanor Platt
Year Issued: 1963
Whittier, John Greenleaf

Category: Author
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: Elizabeth Weistrop
Year Issued: 1966
Willard, Emma

Category: Educator
Year Elected: 1905
Sculptor: Robert A. Weinman
Year Issued: 1968
Willard, Frances E.

Category: Humanitarian
Year Elected: 1910
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1969
Williams, Roger

Category: Clergyman
Year Elected: 1920
Sculptor: Robert A. Weinman
Year Issued: 1963
Wilson, Woodrow

Category: Statesman
Year Elected: 1950
Sculptor: C. Paul Jennewein
Year Issued: 1966
Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur)

Category: Inventors
Year Elected: 1955/1965
Sculptor: Paul Fjelde
Year Issued: 1967
Printable Version
A printable formatted version of the MCA Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Collector's Guide (pdf) is available.