Volume 26, No. 3
Winter 2023
(MCA members can view all issues in their My Account section.)
Table of Contents
Lafayette In the MHS: A Recent Survey
by Anne E. Bentley
A New Idea, A New Series - An American Medallic Sculpture Association Poster?
by Mark Benvenuto
Saving Rock Hall & Thomas Bonsor Crompton's Medal
by Doug McIndoe
The 1951 U.S. Assay Commission Medal: Correcting an Old Misapprehension and Finding a New Connection
by Joel J. Orosz
Clement Kennedy and the Atlantic Charter
by Joel J. Orosz
Using Occam's Razor on a Schevez Medal
by Lev Tsitrin
Edward Sawyer and Joe Beeler Native American
Portraits: A Contrast in Style and Time
by William D. Hyder