Volume 22, No. 1
March 2019
(MCA members can view all issues in their My Account section.)
Table of Contents
Jewish Hall of Fame Medal Book
by Mel Wacks
Is Strasbourg an Animal or Plant?
by Lev Tsitrin
Sand, Sea and Sky: Remembering Summers
by Marcy Leavitt Bourne
A Short Story of a Portrait Medal
by Gamal Amer
Wright/Trumbull The Declaration of Independence Medal - Another Point of View
by Harry Waterson
The First Treaty of Vienna: A Claim, A Company, A Conquest
by Skyler Liechty
An Interesting Medallic Find
by Larry Gaye
The Fine Art of Enameling Medals was a Multi-layered and Meticulous Process
by David Yawn
Medals Designed and Engraved by Charles E. Barber
by Manuel A. Galguera