Volume 19, No. 5
September/October 2016
(MCA members can view all issues in their My Account section.)
Table of Contents
History & Collecting of Medals, ANA 48th Summer Seminar 2016
report by David T. Alexander
Summer Seminar 2016: Some notes and observations on the making of the Introduction to Medals course
report by David Menchell
Commodore Petty - A Medallic Legacy
by David Menchell
Medallic Washington - A book review
by John Sallay
A Visit with American Sculptor & Medallist Eugene Daub
by David Menchell
A Chronological Guide to The MCA Advisory
by Ron Thompson
Leoni's Medal of Ippolita Gonzaga, Reassessed
by Lev Tsitrin
The Somers Medal
by R. W. Julian
On Cracking Slabs
by John Kraljevich